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This web-based learning resource was produced within the frame of the 'Sustainicum' project 'Nachhaltigkeit in der Lehre – die Ökologische Dimension. Basiswissen für Alle' funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research.
For the provision of pictures we especially want to thank Gregory Egger, Barbara Fierz, Andreas Hartl, the IHG, Franz Keppel, Marco Mariani, Clemens Ratschan, Gert Richter, Johannes Schnell, Gerald Zauner and Bernhard Zeiringer.
Content and pedagogical design: Andreas ZitekTechnical implementation: Robert Vogl
Cite as: Zitek, A. and Vogl, R. (2013) SIFIM 1.1: Simplified fish-pressure modelling tool.
DI Dr.nat.techn. Andreas Zitek, MSc (GIS)BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU-UFT)
Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 24
A-3430 Tulln
Tel: 0043 676 780 65 15
Ing. Robert Vogl
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU-IHG)
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