Species ID | Species name (scientific) | Fish region index* | Species name (German) | Species name (English) | Flow velocity preference habitat** | Flow velocity preference spawning habitat** | Structural needs** |
Ab-ba | Abramis ballerus | 6.5 | Zope | Blue bream | indifferent | rheopar | no |
Ab-br | Abramis brama | 6.4 | Brachse | Bream | indifferent | euryopar | no |
Ab-sa | Abramis sapa | 6.6 | Zobel | Silver bream | oligorheophil | rheopar | no |
Ac-gü | Acipenser güldenstädti | 6.7 | Waxdick | Russian sturgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ac-nu | Acipenser nudiventris | 6.7 | Glattdick | Ship sturgeon | oligorheophil | rheopar | low |
Ac-ru | Acipenser ruthenus | 6.6 | Sterlet | Sterlet | oligorheophil | rheopar | low |
Ac-st | Acipenser stellatus | 6.7 | Sternhausen | Stellate sturgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Al-al | Alburnus alburnus | 6.4 | Laube | Bleak | indifferent | euryopar | no |
Al-bi | Alburnoides bipunctatus | 5.6 | Schneider | Spirlin | rheophil | rheopar | low |
An-an | Anguilla anguilla | 5.6 | Aal | Eel | indifferent | euryopar | high |
As-as | Aspius aspius | 6.5 | Schied | Asp | indifferent | rheopar | no |
Ba-ba | Barbus barbus | 6.2 | Barbe | Barbel | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ba-br | Barbatula barbatula | 5.5 | Schmerle | Stone loach | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ba-me | Barbus peloponnesius | 6 | Semling | Pelloponese barbel | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Bl-bj | Abramis bjoerkna | 6.7 | Güster | White bream | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Ca-ca | Carassius carassius | 6.5 | Karausche | Crucian carp | limnophil | limnopar | low |
Ca-gi | Carassius auratus gibelio | 6.4 | Giebel | Prussian (Gibel) carp | indifferent | limnopar | low |
Ch-ch | Chalcalburnus chalcoides mento | 6.4 | Seelaube | Danube bleak | limnophil | limnopar | no |
Ch-na | Chondrostoma nasus | 5.9 | Nase | Nase | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Co-au | Sabanejewia balcanica | 6.3 | Goldsteinbeißer | Golden spined loach | oligorheophil | euryopar | high |
Co-go | Cottus gobio | 4 | Koppe | Bullhead | rheophil | rheopar | high |
Co-sp | Coregonus sp. | 6.7 | Felchen | Coregonus | limnophil | limnopar | no |
Co-ta | Cobitis taenia | 6.3 | Steinbeißer | Spined loach | oligorheophil | euryopar | high |
Ct-id | Ctenopharyngodon idella | not native | Graskarpfen | Grass carp | indifferent | rheopar | no |
Cy-ca | Cyprinus carpio | 6.5 | Wildkarpfen | Wild carp | indifferent | limnopar | low |
Cy-zu | Cyprinus carpio | not native | Zuchtkarpfen | Common carp | indifferent | limnopar | low |
Es-lu | Esox lucius | 6.2 | Hecht | European Pike | indifferent | limnopar | high |
Eu-da | Eudontomyzon danfordi | not classified | Donauneunauge | Danube lamprey | not classified | not classified | not classified |
Eu-ma | Eudontomyzon mariae | 5.1 | Ukrainisches Bachneunauge | Ukr. Lamprey | not classified | not classified | not classified |
Ga-ac | Gasterosteus aculeatus | not native | Dreistachliger Stichling | Threespined stickleback | limnophil | limnopar | high |
Go-al | Gobio albipinnatus | 6.5 | Weißflossengründling | White-finned gudgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Go-go | Gobio gobio | 6 | Gründling | Gudgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Go-ke | Gobio kessleri | 6.3 | Kessler-Gründling | Kessler's Gudgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Go-ur | Gobio uranoscopus | 6 | Steingreßling | Danube gudgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Gy-ba | Gymnocephalus baloni | 6.7 | Donaukaulbarsch | Balons ruffe | oligorheophil | limnopar | low |
Gy-ce | Gymnocephalus cernuus | 6.8 | Kaulbarsch | Ruffe | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Gy-sc | Gymnocephalus schraetser | 6.3 | Schrätzer | Schraetzer | oligorheophil | rheopar | low |
Hu-hs | Huso huso | 6.4 | Hausen | Beluga sturgeon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Hu-hu | Hucho hucho | 5.7 | Huchen | Danube salmon | rheophil | rheopar | low |
La-pl | Lampetra planeri | 4.5 | Bachneunauge | Lamprey | not classified | not classified | not classified |
Le-ce | Leuciscus cephalus | 6 | Aitel | European chub | indifferent | euryopar | high |
Le-de | Leucaspius delineatus | 6.5 | Moderlieschen | Moderlieschen | limnophil | limnopar | low |
Le-id | Leuciscus idus | 6.4 | Nerfling | Ide | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Le-le | Leuciscus leuciscus | 6.3 | Hasel | Dace | indifferent | rheopar | low |
Le-so | Leuciscus souffia agassizi | 5.4 | Strömer | Soufie | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Lo-lo | Lota lota | 5.4 | Aalrutte | Burbot | indifferent | euryopar | high |
Mi-fo | Misgurnus fossilis | 6.5 | Schlammpeitzger | European weather loach | limnophil | limnopar | high |
Ne-ke | Neogobius kessleri | 6.7 | Kessler Grundel | Bighead goby | indifferent | euryopar | high |
On-my | Oncorhynchus mykiss | 4, not native | Regenbogenforelle | Rainbow trout | indifferent | rheopar | low |
Pe-cu | Pelecus cultratus | 6.5 | Sichling | Sabre carp | indifferent | limnopar | no |
Pe-fl | Perca fluviatilis | 6.7 | Flußbarsch | European perch | indifferent | euryopar | no |
Ph-ph | Phoxinus phoxinus | 5 | Elritze | Minnow | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Pr-ma | Proterorhinus marmoratus | 6.7 | Marmorierte Grundel | Tubenose goby | indifferent | euryopar | high |
Ps-pa | Pseudoraspora parva | not native | Blaubandbärbling | Topmouth gudgeon (Stone moroko) | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Rh-se | Rhodeus amarus | 6.5 | Bitterling | Bitterling | limnophil | limnopar | low |
Ru-fr | Rutilus frisii meidingeri | 6 | Perlfisch | Perlfish | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ru-pi | Rutilus pigus virgo | 6 | Frauennerfling | Danubian roach | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ru-ru | Rutilus rutilus | 6.4 | Rotauge | Roach | indifferent | euryopar | no |
Sa-al | Salvelinus alpinus | lake | Seesaibling | Alpine charr | limnophil | limnopar | no |
Sa-fo | Salvelinus fontinalis | 3.5, not native | Bachsaibling | Brook charr | rheophil | rheopar | high |
Sa-la | Salmo trutta forma lacustris | 4.5 | Seeforelle | Lake trout | limnophil | rheopar | low |
Sa-tr | Salmo trutta | 3.8 | Bachforelle | Brown trout | rheophil | rheopar | high |
Sc-er | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | 6.7 | Rotfeder | Rudd | limnophil | limnopar | low |
Si-gl | Silurus glanis | 6.7 | Wels | Catfish | indifferent | euryopar | high |
St-lu | Sander lucioperca | 6.7 | Zander | Pike perch | indifferent | euryopar | low |
St-vo | Sander volgensis | 6.8 | Wolgazander | Pike perch | indifferent | euryopar | low |
Th-th | Thymallus thymallus | 5 | Äsche | European grayling | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Ti-ti | Tinca tinca | 6.7 | Schleie | Tench | limnophil | limnopar | high |
Um-kr | Umbra krameri | 6.5 | Hundsfisch | European mudminnow | limnophil | limnopar | high |
Vi-vi | Vimba vimba | 6.4 | Rußnase | Vimba bream | oligorheophil | rheopar | no |
Zi-st | Zingel streber | 6 | Streber | Danube streber | rheophil | rheopar | low |
Zi-zi | Zingel zingel | 6.3 | Zingel | Common zingel | oligorheophil | rheopar | low |
* Haunschmid et al. (2010)
** following a classification of Zauner and Eberstaller (1999)